Fertility preservation, or egg freezing as it is commonly known, is becoming increasingly utilized for women to delay motherhood until you are ready. Perhaps, you want to have the option in the future to have a biological child but aren’t yet ready to become a mother.
Fertility preservation helps women separate the biological clock from your other life goals, and it allows women the time to establish yourself professionally, to find the right partner, to decide to become a single mother by choice, or to discover you no longer want to be a mother.
After graduating with a Master's in Counseling Psychology with the initial goal of becoming a therapist, Sara recognized how important it was for her to help you, as a woman, explore your feelings and your considerations about preserving your eggs. You now have the option of having a family when you feel ready, without feeling rushed or worrying that other goals have to be set aside due to the biological clock. In addition to her Master’s, Sara also is a certified practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), attended the New Ventures West Integral Coaching Forum, and is the South Bay chapter leader of Single Mothers by Choice in the San Francisco Bay Area.
In her early 30s, Sara froze her eggs because she wasn’t in a loving and committed relationship, and she wanted to have the future option of having children without feeling pressured to be in a relationship for the wrong reasons. At the time, it felt like a backup plan, and now that Sara is in her early 40s, she knows it’s the best decision she ever made.
As women, we often assume that with increased longevity, a greater focus on health and wellness, and more educational and career options that our fertility should also be extended. Unfortunately, that is not the case, and the sad truth is that our fertility does decline as we age. Fortunately, we live in an age of advanced reproductive technologies that enables us to have choices that weren’t available to our predecessors.

Books on Fertility and Solo Motherhood:*
Born from Love: A Single Mother by Choice
by Lania Salas. A lovely read about a woman who values her career and education but who wants to pursue motherhood without a partner
Choosing Single Motherhood: A Thinking Woman’s Guide
by Mikki Morrissette. A compendium of the considerations for those considering become a single mother by choice
Expecting Better: Why the Conventional Pregnancy Wisdom Is Wrong--and What You Really Need to Know
by Emily Oster. An economist researches the traditional myths and guidelines for pregnancy to test their validity
Going Solo
by Genevieve Roberts. Genevieve’s story of her path from being a world traveler to becoming a single mother by choice is a touching portrayal of life before and after she had her child
Finding our Families
by Wendy Kramer and Naomi Cahn. One of the founders of the Donor Sibling Registry explores the logistics and emotions of using a donor and the implications for the offspring
Hot Flashes and Warm Bottles: First-Time Mothers over 40
by Nancy London. A personal account of a woman’s physical and emotional experience of being an older mother
It Starts with the Egg (Second Edition): How the Science of Egg Quality Can Help You Get Pregnant Naturally, Prevent Miscarriage, and Improve Your Odds in IVF
by Rebecca Fett. A great guide to understanding the importance of egg quality and what can impact it
Midlife Motherhood: A Woman-to-Woman Guide to Pregnancy and Parenting
by Jann Blackstone-Ford. A realistic account of the realities of new motherhood in the 40s
Single Mother by Choice
by Jane Mattes. A handbook for women considering solo motherhood
Taking Charge of Your Fertility: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement, and Reproductive Health
by Toni Weschler. A comprehensive guide to understanding and gaining more control over your fertility and sexual health
The Birth of a Mother
by Daniel Stern and Nadia Bruschweiler-Stern. A lovely account of the psychological transformation that a woman undergoes when she becomes a mother
The Fertility Diet: Groundbreaking Research Reveals Natural Ways to Boost Ovulation and Improve Your Chances of Getting Pregnant
by Jorge Chavarro, Walter Willett, Patrick Skerrett. Incredible new research from the Nurses’ Health Study, which demonstrates that particular foods can improve fertility
You Make Me Feel Like an Unnatural Woman
by Judith Newman. A humorous and raw account of a woman in her 40s who had twin boys after years and thousands of dollars
*Please note: SWJ Coach does not endorse these writers and receives no payment for publishing their information here.
Fertility Clinics:*
Shady Grove Fertility
Washington DC area and East Coast locations
Stanford Fertility
San Francisco Bay Area
Fora Fertility
Austin, TX
Acupuncture in Del Ray
Washington DC area
Cindi Ignatovsky
San Francisco Bay Area
Nutritional Counseling:*
Kat Brown Nutrition
As a Woman
Choice Chat for Choice Moms
Fertility Warriors
Motherhood Reimagined
SART Fertility Experts
The Single Greatest Choice
The Fertility Podcast
*Please note: SWJ Coach does not endorse these providers and receives no payment for publishing their information here.